Finding the Male Factor


There are a few tests performed on the semen itself, for sugar content, chemical reaction - for acidity/ alkalinity, volume and ability to coagulate and reliquefy. It appears that the only complex function of the semen is to deliver the sperm directly to the female cervix. Once secure within the cervical mucus, the sperm is safe. However, for the sperm that does not enter the cervical mucus, ejaculate actually becomes hostile environment after several hours.

The sperm appear to be relatively safe in the vas deferens and epididymis prior to ejaculation, and thereafter have a decent prospect for survival only after they penetrate the cervical mucus of the wife. It is in the precarious moment when the sperm are ejaculated into the vagina that time is of the essence. The semen's alkalinity protects against the acidic medium of the vagina. The gelatine like blob prevents early leakage out of the vagina, and the sugar provides instant energy for rapid movement.

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